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Facilita: reading assistance for low-literacy readers

Published: 05 October 2009 Publication History


Texts are the media content primarily available on Web sites and applications. However, this heavy use of texts creates an accessibility barrier to those who cannot read fluently in their mother tongue due to both text length and linguistic complexity. To offer an accessible alternative to these readers, shorter and simplified versions of text content should be provided. Taking that into consideration, this paper introduces Facilita, an assistive technology to help lower-literacy users to understand the text content of Web applications. Facilita generates an accessible content from Web pages automatically, using summarization and simplification techniques. It is also important to consider interface design requirements, since Facilita's target audience (the functionally illiterate) is often classified as computer illiterate as well. Thus, interaction and user interface design were developed considering the limitations and skills of the functionally illiterate.


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cover image ACM Conferences
SIGDOC '09: Proceedings of the 27th ACM international conference on Design of communication
October 2009
328 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 05 October 2009


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  1. summarization
  2. textual simplification
  3. usability
  4. user centered design
  5. web accessibility


  • Research-article



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