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A relational approach to interprocedural shape analysis

Published: 08 February 2010 Publication History


This article addresses the verification of properties of imperative programs with recursive procedure calls, heap-allocated storage, and destructive updating of pointer-valued fields, that is, interprocedural shape analysis. The article makes three contributions.
— It introduces a new method for abstracting relations over memory configurations for use in abstract interpretation.
— It shows how this method furnishes the elements needed for a compositional approach to shape analysis. In particular, abstracted relations are used to represent the shape transformation performed by a sequence of operations, and an overapproximation to relational composition can be performed using the meet operation of the domain of abstracted relations.
— It applies these ideas in a new algorithm for context-sensitive interprocedural shape analysis. The algorithm creates procedure summaries using abstracted relations over memory configurations, and the meet-based composition operation provides a way to apply the summary transformer for a procedure P at each call site from which P is called.
The algorithm has been applied successfully to establish properties of both (i) recursive programs that manipulate lists and (ii) recursive programs that manipulate binary trees.


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  1. A relational approach to interprocedural shape analysis



                              Information & Contributors


                              Published In

                              cover image ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
                              ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 32, Issue 2
                              January 2010
                              123 pages
                              Issue’s Table of Contents
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                              Association for Computing Machinery

                              New York, NY, United States

                              Publication History

                              Published: 08 February 2010
                              Accepted: 01 May 2009
                              Revised: 01 December 2008
                              Received: 01 May 2008
                              Published in TOPLAS Volume 32, Issue 2


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                              Author Tags

                              1. 3-valued logic
                              2. Abstract interpretation
                              3. context-sensitive analysis
                              4. destructive updating
                              5. interprocedural dataflow analysis
                              6. pointer analysis
                              7. shape analysis
                              8. static analysis


                              • Research-article
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                              • Refereed

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