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View all- Chen HBeaudoin CHong T(2016)Protecting Oneself OnlineJournalism & Mass Communication Quarterly10.1177/107769901664022493:2(409-429)Online publication date: 23-Mar-2016
This article presents the results of an interview study on how people perceive and play social network games on Facebook. During recent years, social games have become the biggest genre of games if measured by the number of registered users. These games ...
Social network games on Facebook have become a popular genre of video games. Social network integration and the free-to-play revenue model make them easily accessible but also easy to discard. In such an ecosystem, the quality of the game plays an ...
Games built on Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become a phenomenon since 3rd party developer tools were released by OSNs such as Facebook. However, apart from their explosive popularity, little is known about the nature of the social networks that ...
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