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Dramaturgies of PLACE: evaluation, embodiment and performance in PLACE-Hampi

Published: 29 October 2009 Publication History


This paper examines an extensive user evaluation survey undertaken during an installation of PLACE-Hampi, a custom-built augmented stereoscopic panoramic interactive cultural heritage installation. The evaluation draws on the responses of 284 users of the system. This study is highly significant for two reasons. Firstly it is one of only, a few extensive evaluations undertaken to date on interactive virtual cultural heritage work designed for a mass multicultural public. Secondly, the work has traveled extensively for the last 4 years worldwide to major cultural venues, experienced by thousands of people and enjoyed a high degree of public success. The analysis here focuses on selected sections of the survey providing insight into a) virtual embodiment, dwelling and immersion, co-presence and aspects of performance between user, system and spectators---that is, the dramaturgies of PLACE. The analysis of the PLACE-Hampi installation also provides rich observational and quantitative data on the power of stereoscopic, panoramic interactive display systems for the exploration of heritage landscapes. The results of the analysis are highly significant for designers of situated multimodal immersive entertainment in museums and galleries.


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  1. Dramaturgies of PLACE: evaluation, embodiment and performance in PLACE-Hampi



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                                    ACE '09: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology
                                    October 2009
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                                    • Foundation of the Hellenic World



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                                    Published: 29 October 2009


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                                    1. ambisonic
                                    2. co-presence
                                    3. embodiment
                                    4. evaluation
                                    5. panoramic
                                    6. performance
                                    7. presence
                                    8. stereoscopic
                                    9. virtual heritage


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