Cited By
View all- Calvo-Zaragoza JOncina J(2014)Recognition of Pen-Based Music NotationProceedings of the 2014 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition10.1109/ICPR.2014.524(3038-3043)Online publication date: 24-Aug-2014
The hearing handicapped children show a penchant for dancing and dance plays an essential part in education of deaf children. This paper introduces the Music-touch Shoes, a pair of shoes particularly designed for hearing handicapped dancers: The rhythm ...
For use on E-Ink displays, a typeface is required to convey information. Whether that information be stories to data, legibility of the information is important. E-ink Displays require a difference in typeface usage due to their lack of color as well as ...
OCR of multi-font Arabic text is difficult due to large variations in character shapes from one font to another. It becomes even more challenging if the text is rendered at very low resolution. This paper describes a multi-font, low resolution, and open ...
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