Cited By
View all- Bonillo CMarco JCerezo E(2019)Developing pervasive games in interactive spaces: the JUGUEMOS toolkitMultimedia Tools and Applications10.1007/s11042-019-07983-678:22(32261-32305)Online publication date: 31-Jul-2019
iTV does not yet have truly interactive programmes, that is programmes whose content adapts to the preferences of their viewers. In commercially deployed iTV productions, the programmes themselves are essentially linear and therefore non-interactive. In ...
Temporal trajectories can represent the complex mappings between story time and clock time that are to be found in shared interactive narratives such as computer games and interactive performances. There are three kinds. Canonical trajectories express ...
In this paper I present Mobile Stories, a design-led project that explored ways of playfully motivating and engaging theatre audiences in their journey before the premiere of a theatrical play. The project used the art of storytelling and mobile ...
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