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EFCOSS: An interactive environment facilitating optimal experimental design

Published: 23 April 2010 Publication History


An interactive software environment is proposed that combines numerical simulation codes with optimization software packages in an automated and modular way. It simplifies the experimentation with varying objective functions for common optimization problems such as parameter estimation and optimal experimental design that are frequently encountered in computational science and engineering. The design philosophy takes into consideration the need for derivatives of potentially large-scale simulation codes via automatic differentiation as well as distributed computing in a heterogenous environment via CORBA.


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ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  Volume 37, Issue 2
April 2010
281 pages
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Publication History

Published: 23 April 2010
Accepted: 01 August 2009
Revised: 01 June 2008
Received: 01 August 2007
Published in TOMS Volume 37, Issue 2


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  1. Problem solving environments
  2. automatic differentiation
  3. distributed computing
  4. optimal experimental design
  5. parameter estimation


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