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Integrating evaluation into program development: benefits of baselining a NSF-BPC alliance

Published: 10 March 2010 Publication History


The Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education (CAITE) is one of 11 National Science Foundation Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) alliances aimed at increasing the participation and success of underrepresented groups in information technology (IT). From the beginning, CAITE partners worked to integrate a detailed and comprehensive evaluation strategy to provide a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of CAITE action plans on its main objectives. We collected large institutional data sets for the seven academic years prior to the project inception from each of the nine original partners, the six additional partners and several other institutions. These data serve as a baseline for assessing the efficacy of CAITE interventions and make it possible to examine trends in student participation and success across each CAITE partner and the alliance as whole. Importantly, these data provide valuable insight into each of the institutions that has allowed CAITE to tailor its inventions to reflect local conditions at each institution and within each region. From the evaluation data, it became clear that we needed to adjust action plans to better meet CAITE objectives. We describe specific aspects that warranted data-driven adjustments, and highlight lessons learned from these revelations.


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  1. Integrating evaluation into program development: benefits of baselining a NSF-BPC alliance



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      SIGCSE '10: Proceedings of the 41st ACM technical symposium on Computer science education
      March 2010
      618 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 10 March 2010


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