Cited By
View all- Popescu DBold N(2015)The Electronic Verification of the Weight and the Amount of Food Consumed by Animals in a FarmSoft Computing Applications10.1007/978-3-319-18296-4_9(115-124)Online publication date: 3-Nov-2015
This paper describes an algorithm for determining if an event occurs persistently within an interval where the interval is periodic but the event is not. The goal of the algorithm is to identify events with this property and also determine the minimum ...
The extraction of temporal characteristics from sensor data streams can reveal important properties about the sensed events. Knowledge of temporal characteristics in applications where sensed events tend to periodically repeat, can provide a great deal ...
This paper is concerned with the framework of frequent episode discovery in event sequences. A new temporal pattern, called the generalized episode, is defined which extends this framework by incorporating event duration constraints explicitly into the ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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