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Data structures in the multicore age

Published: 01 March 2011 Publication History


The advent of multicore processors as the standard computing platform will force major changes in software design.


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John P. Dougherty

Multicore is here; that is the reality. This article looks at the impact of this new reality on data structures. It provides a path from traditional structures that assume sequential access to modern structures that support concurrent access, including the context and motivation for this transition path. The author makes his points using the standard stack as a representative data structure example. He offers a series of stack designs that support various degrees of concurrency, each potentially better-performing than the previous, but also more complex. The final design, a pool, no longer mandates last-in-first-out (LIFO) access, but leverages the potential parallelism offered by multicore and (arguably) provides appropriate storage and access for many applications. The author defines and investigates each implementation for performance, safety, and liveness; he gives optimizations for a few. The article reads well, and provides plenty of resources in the references for more in-depth reading. The illustrations-especially the elimination tree-facilitated my comprehension of each design. The author explicitly expects that more conventional data structures will "soon disappear," to be replaced by new "unordered" ones. The article makes a compelling case for this expectation. As a computer science educator, I now have more motivation for my expectation that students in the data structure course (eventually) appreciate concurrency. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image Communications of the ACM
Communications of the ACM  Volume 54, Issue 3
March 2011
116 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 March 2011
Published in CACM Volume 54, Issue 3


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