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SelInv---An Algorithm for Selected Inversion of a Sparse Symmetric Matrix

Published: 01 February 2011 Publication History


We describe an efficient implementation of an algorithm for computing selected elements of a general sparse symmetric matrix A that can be decomposed as A = LDLT, where L is lower triangular and D is diagonal. Our implementation, which is called SelInv, is built on top of an efficient supernodal left-looking LDLT factorization of A. We discuss how computational efficiency can be gained by making use of a relative index array to handle indirect addressing. We report the performance of SelInv on a collection of sparse matrices of various sizes and nonzero structures. We also demonstrate how SelInv can be used in electronic structure calculations.


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ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  Volume 37, Issue 4
February 2011
212 pages
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Publication History

Published: 01 February 2011
Accepted: 01 August 2010
Revised: 01 March 2010
Received: 01 October 2009
Published in TOMS Volume 37, Issue 4


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  1. Electronic structure calculation
  2. elimination tree
  3. selected inversion
  4. sparse LDLT factorization
  5. supernodes


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