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Enhanced results for web search

Published: 24 July 2011 Publication History


"Ten blue links" have defined web search results for the last fifteen years -- snippets of text combined with document titles and URLs. In this paper, we establish the notion of enhanced search results that extend web search results to include multimedia objects such as images and video, intent-specific key value pairs, and elements that allow the user to interact with the contents of a web page directly from the search results page. We show that users express a preference for enhanced results both explicitly, and when observed in their search behavior. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of enhanced results in helping users to assess the relevance of search results. Lastly, we show that we can efficiently generate enhanced results to cover a significant fraction of search result pages.


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    SIGIR '11: Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information Retrieval
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    Published: 24 July 2011


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