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Detecting bots via incremental LS-SVM learning with dynamic feature adaptation

Published: 21 August 2011 Publication History


As botnets continue to proliferate and grow in sophistication, so does the need for more advanced security solutions to effectively detect and defend against such attacks. In particular, botnets such as Conficker have been known to encrypt the communication packets exchanged between bots and their command-and-control server, making it costly for existing botnet detection systems that rely on deep packet inspection (DPI) methods to identify compromised machines. In this paper, we argue that, even in the face of encrypted traffic flows, botnets can still be detected by examining the set of server IP-addresses visited by a client machine in the past. However there are several challenges that must be addressed. First, the set of server IP-addresses visited by client machines may evolve dynamically. Second, the set of client machines used for training and their class labels may also change over time. To overcome these challenges, this paper presents a novel incremental LS-SVM algorithm that is adaptive to both changes in the feature set and class labels of training instances. To evaluate the performance of our algorithm, we have performed experiments on two large-scale datasets, including real-time data collected from peering routers at a large Tier-1 ISP. Experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm produces classification accuracy comparable to its batch counterpart, while consuming significantly less computational resources.


Snort network intrusion prevention and detection system,
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  1. Detecting bots via incremental LS-SVM learning with dynamic feature adaptation



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    KDD '11: Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining
    August 2011
    1446 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 21 August 2011


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    1. botnet detection
    2. online learning
    3. support vector machines


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