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10.1145/2094131.2094161acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication Pageskoli-callingConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Experiences of prospective high school teachers using a programming teaching tool

Published: 17 November 2011 Publication History


During their time at school few high school students are exposed to basic computing concepts as Computer Science (CS) is not considered to be an important part of the curriculum. As a result many high school students do not encounter programming during their studies. In the UK, despite newly qualified CS and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) teachers having specific subject knowledge, in recent years schools have steadily 'watered down' the content of CS courses and have aligned the subject with disciplines such as Business Studies. This has distanced Computing from the other sciences whilst adding to students' confusion about what the subject actually entails. This paper presents the results of a study which involved 23 trainee CS/ICT teachers. The study took the form of a day-long workshop session and had the objectives of determining what perceptions and opinions the trainee teachers held in regards to programming as well as to discover the effectiveness and potential of a programming teaching tool based on the concept of a robot simulator. Analysis of data collected during the session shows how, despite the majority of trainees having some programming experience, a number of trainees had difficulty completing basic programming challenges. This displays how some CS/ICT teachers may lack fundamental programming knowledge. Moreover, whilst most of the trainees felt programming should be taught to high school students studying a CS or ICT course, fewer than half of the trainees said they had the confidence to teach the subject. An evaluation of the effectiveness of the robot simulator as a teaching tool is also presented as is a discussion on the implications which these findings may have.


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Koli Calling '11: Proceedings of the 11th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research
November 2011
149 pages
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  • Aalto University



Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 17 November 2011


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  1. high school
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