Cited By
View all- Spencer BBenedikt MSenellart P(2018)Form Filling Based on Constraint SolvingWeb Engineering10.1007/978-3-319-91662-0_7(95-113)Online publication date: 20-May-2018
Web crawling, a process of collecting web pages in an automated manner, is the primary and ubiquitous operation used by a large number of web systems and agents starting from a simple program for website backup to a major web search engine. Due to an ...
JavaScript is the most popular client-side scripting language for Web applications. Exploitable JavaScript code exposes end users to integrity and confidentiality violations. Client-side vulnerabilities can cost an enterprise money and reputation, and ...
For context based surfing of World Wide Web in a systematic and automatic manner, a web crawler is required. The World Wide Web consists interlinked documents and resources that are easily crawled by general web crawler, known as surface web crawler. ...
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