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Semantic turkey goes SKOS managing knowledge organization systems

Published: 05 September 2012 Publication History


In this paper we describe a novel SKOS editor built on top of the web browser Mozilla Firefox. Our tool is targeted towards KOS developers and KOS consumers as well. Indeed, the ability to surf the Web with a standards compliant browser proves useful for both: the former may prove the soundness of a concept by associating it with a concrete set of web resources, whereas the latter may exploit a given KOS to effectively organize information collected from the Web. The editor has been designed as an extension of the knowledge management and acquisition tool Semantic Turkey. The proposed SKOS editor creates a dedicated perspective within an OWL compliant environment, which eases dealing with KOSs. By relying on such rich environment, the editor allows the user to exploit the subtle relationship between SKOS and OWL, thus opening it up to more elaborated modelling solutions, in contrast to other tools which are built on top of the SKOS direct semantics.


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Cited By

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  • (2023)Process-Level Integration for Linked Open Data Development Workflows: A Case StudyMetadata and Semantic Research10.1007/978-3-031-39141-5_13(148-159)Online publication date: 10-Aug-2023
  • (2017)Assessing VocBench Custom Forms in Supporting Editing of Lemon DatasetsLanguage, Data, and Knowledge10.1007/978-3-319-59888-8_21(237-252)Online publication date: 27-May-2017
  • (2015)A Flexible Approach to Semantic Annotation Systems for Web ContentIntelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management10.1002/isaf.136222:1(65-79)Online publication date: 27-Jan-2015



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cover image ACM Other conferences
I-SEMANTICS '12: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Semantic Systems
September 2012
215 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 05 September 2012


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Author Tags

  1. SKOS
  2. information visualization
  3. knowledge management and acquisition
  4. knowledge organization systems
  5. semantic annotation
  6. semantic bookmarking
  7. thesauri


  • Research-article



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  • (2023)Process-Level Integration for Linked Open Data Development Workflows: A Case StudyMetadata and Semantic Research10.1007/978-3-031-39141-5_13(148-159)Online publication date: 10-Aug-2023
  • (2017)Assessing VocBench Custom Forms in Supporting Editing of Lemon DatasetsLanguage, Data, and Knowledge10.1007/978-3-319-59888-8_21(237-252)Online publication date: 27-May-2017
  • (2015)A Flexible Approach to Semantic Annotation Systems for Web ContentIntelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management10.1002/isaf.136222:1(65-79)Online publication date: 27-Jan-2015

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