Cited By
View all- Singh Gde By R(2014)Spatial Extent Models for Natural Language Phrases Involving Directional ContainmentTransactions in GIS10.1111/tgis.1210519:2(202-224)Online publication date: 20-Aug-2014
We present a conceptual framework and computational mechanism to allow the interpretation of text phrases such as "in southeastern Bahia," and "in central Goiás" as spatial features in GIS context. The framework recognises different notions of centre, ...
Remote-sensing-based drought monitoring methods provide fast and useful information for a sustainable management strategy of drought impact over a region. Common pixel-based monitoring methods are limited in the analysis of the dynamics of this impact ...
Integrated nutrient management is important for sustainable agricultural production and protecting environment quality and has been widely investigated around the world. In this article the spatial variability of soil nutrients was investigated and a ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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