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Designing and evaluating a self-management support system for renal transplant patients: the first step

Published: 28 August 2012 Publication History


Motivation -- Thanks to the mobile measurement and tele-care technology, it becomes possible to build self-management support systems for renal transplant patients. This project aims to provide (1) a trusted and accepted self-management support systems for renal transplant patients, (2) guidelines for building a virtual coach for supporting feedback in the self-management support system for chronic disease self-management, and (3) an overview of the human factors that should be taken into account in self-management support system development processes.
Research approach -- A situated Cognitive Engineering method guides the development of a requirement baseline and its design rationale of the self-management support system, including a virtual coach, for renal transplant patients. Via focus group sessions, mock-ups and rapid prototypes, (parts of) the requirements and rationale will be generated, tested and refined in relatively short iterative cycles. Furthermore, about 50 patients will use a basic version of the system to examine (1) the influence of human factors on self-management and self-management support needs, (2) the impact of a self-management support system on the behavior of chronically ill patients, and (3) the doctors' acceptance of the system.
Findings -- So far the first prototype was designed and evaluated; major issues and users' values were extracted.


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  1. Designing and evaluating a self-management support system for renal transplant patients: the first step



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      cover image ACM Other conferences
      ECCE '12: Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
      August 2012
      224 pages
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      • EACE: European Association for Cognitive Ergonomics
      • Edinburgh Napier University, UK: Edinburgh Napier University, UK


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 28 August 2012


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      1. ecoach
      2. feedback
      3. renal transplant patient
      4. self-management support system
      5. virtual coach


      • Research-article

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      ECCE '12
      • EACE
      • Edinburgh Napier University, UK
      ECCE '12: European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics
      August 28 - 31, 2012
      Edinburgh, United Kingdom

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      Overall Acceptance Rate 56 of 91 submissions, 62%


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