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TSL: A System for Generating Abstract Interpreters and its Application to Machine-Code Analysis

Published: 01 April 2013 Publication History


This article describes the design and implementation of a system, called TSL (for Transformer Specification Language), that provides a systematic solution to the problem of creating retargetable tools for analyzing machine code. TSL is a tool generator---that is, a metatool---that automatically creates different abstract interpreters for machine-code instruction sets.
The most challenging technical issue that we faced in designing TSL was how to automate the generation of the set of abstract transformers for a given abstract interpretation of a given instruction set. From a description of the concrete operational semantics of an instruction set, together with the datatypes and operations that define an abstract domain, TSL automatically creates the set of abstract transformers for the instructions of the instruction set. TSL advances the state-of-the-art in program analysis because it provides two dimensions of parameterizability: (i) a given analysis component can be retargeted to different instruction sets; (ii) multiple analysis components can be created automatically from a single specification of the concrete operational semantics of the language to be analyzed.
TSL is an abstract-transformer-generator generator. The article describes the principles behind TSL, and discusses how one uses TSL to develop different abstract interpreters.


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  1. TSL: A System for Generating Abstract Interpreters and its Application to Machine-Code Analysis



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                              ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems  Volume 35, Issue 1
                              April 2013
                              240 pages
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                              Publication History

                              Published: 01 April 2013
                              Accepted: 01 January 2013
                              Revised: 01 January 2013
                              Received: 01 October 2012
                              Published in TOPLAS Volume 35, Issue 1


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                              1. Abstract interpretation
                              2. dataflow analysis
                              3. dynamic analysis
                              4. machine-code analysis
                              5. static analysis
                              6. symbolic analysis


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