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View all- Mitavskiy BTuci ECannings CRowe JHe J(2013)Geiringer theoremsNatural Computing: an international journal10.1007/s11047-013-9395-412:4(473-484)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2013
The classical Geiringer theorem addresses the limiting frequency of occurrence of various alleles after repeated application of crossover. It has been adopted to the setting of evolutionary algorithms and, a lot more recently, reinforcement learning and ...
Geiringer's theorem is a statement which tells us something about the limiting frequency of occurrence of a certain individual when a classical genetic algorithm is executed in the absence of selection and mutation. Recently Poll, Stephens, Wright and ...
We consider the average cost problem for partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP) with finite state, observation, and control spaces. We prove that there exists an ε-optimal finite-state controller (FSC) functionally independent of initial ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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