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Adaptive virtual channel partitioning for network-on-chip in heterogeneous architectures

Published: 25 October 2013 Publication History


Current heterogeneous chip-multiprocessors (CMPs) integrate a GPU architecture on a die. However, the heterogeneity of this architecture inevitably exerts different pressures on shared resource management due to differing characteristics of CPU and GPU cores. We consider how to efficiently share on-chip resources between cores within the heterogeneous system, in particular the on-chip network. Heterogeneous architectures use an on-chip interconnection network to access shared resources such as last-level cache tiles and memory controllers, and this type of on-chip network will have a significant impact on performance.
In this article, we propose a feedback-directed virtual channel partitioning (VCP) mechanism for on-chip routers to effectively share network bandwidth between CPU and GPU cores in a heterogeneous architecture. VCP dedicates a few virtual channels to CPU and GPU applications with separate injection queues. The proposed mechanism balances on-chip network bandwidth for applications running on CPU and GPU cores by adaptively choosing the best partitioning configuration. As a result, our mechanism improves system throughput by 15% over the baseline across 39 heterogeneous workloads.


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      cover image ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems
      ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems  Volume 18, Issue 4
      Special Section on Networks on Chip: Architecture, Tools, and Methodologies
      October 2013
      380 pages
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      Published: 25 October 2013
      Accepted: 01 July 2013
      Revised: 01 June 2013
      Received: 01 January 2013
      Published in TODAES Volume 18, Issue 4


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