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10.1145/2524224.2524233acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagessospConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Towards privacy-preserving fault detection

Published: 03 November 2013 Publication History


In this paper, we discuss the problem of detecting general faults in distributed systems that handle confidential information. Detecting non-crash faults is difficult in this setting because, to check the behavior of a given node, we need to know its expected behavior -- but that can depend on the confidential information. Classical zero-knowledge proofs are difficult to apply because they are designed to verify functions with a fixed number of inputs, but in many distributed systems, both the size and the number of a node's "inputs" (the messages it has received from other nodes) are not known.
We propose an approach that can efficiently provide zero-knowledge fault detection for certain systems. Our approach spreads the detection tasks across multiple nodes, leveraging a node's existing knowledge whenever possible. We use epistemic reasoning to infer such knowledge, and we combine classical zero-knowledge proofs with a special data structure to handle inputs of unknown size. We show how our approach can be applied to a simple example system, and we report some initial performance measurements.


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cover image ACM Conferences
HotDep '13: Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Hot Topics in Dependable Systems
November 2013
64 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 03 November 2013


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