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Defining and evaluating conflictive animations for programming education: the case of jeliot ConAn

Published: 05 March 2014 Publication History


A review of the practical uses of errors in education reveals three contexts where errors have been shown to help: teaching conceptual knowledge, changing students' attitudes and promoting learning skills. Conflictive animations form a novel approach to teaching programming that follows a long tradition on research and development on program animation tools. Conflictive animations link the benefits of errors with program animation tools and programming education. This approach involves presenting to the students conflictive animations that do not animate faithfully the programs or concepts taught. Conflictive animations are versatile enough to cover the fundamental building blocks of programs such as operators, expressions and statements. With conflictive animations a novel set of learning activities can be introduced to computer science classes. This conflictive dimension of activities augments an engagement taxonomy for animation tools at all levels. They are an example of activities that promote critical thinking. A particular implementation of conflictive animations has been empirically evaluated aiming for ecological validity rather than statistical significance. Results indicate that students using conflictive animations improve their metacognitive skills, and, when compared to a control group, their conceptual knowledge improves at a better rate.


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  1. Defining and evaluating conflictive animations for programming education: the case of jeliot ConAn



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    SIGCSE '14: Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education
    March 2014
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 05 March 2014


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    1. animation
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