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Hybrid Hexagonal/Classical Tiling for GPUs

Published: 15 February 2014 Publication History


Time-tiling is necessary for the efficient execution of iterative stencil computations. Classical hyper-rectangular tiles cannot be used due to the combination of backward and forward dependences along space dimensions. Existing techniques trade temporal data reuse for inefficiencies in other areas, such as load imbalance, redundant computations, or increased control flow overhead, therefore making it challenging for use with GPUs.
We propose a time-tiling method for iterative stencil computations on GPUs. Our method does not involve redundant computations. It favors coalesced global-memory accesses, data reuse in local/shared-memory or cache, avoidance of thread divergence, and concurrency, combining hexagonal tile shapes along the time and one spatial dimension with classical tiling along the other spatial dimensions. Hexagonal tiles expose multi-level parallelism as well as data reuse. Experimental results demonstrate significant performance improvements over existing stencil compilers.


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  1. Hybrid Hexagonal/Classical Tiling for GPUs



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    CGO '14: Proceedings of Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization
    February 2014
    328 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 15 February 2014


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    1. CUDA
    2. GPGPU
    3. Polyhedral compilation
    4. code generation
    5. loop transformations
    6. stencil
    7. time tiling


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