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Mobile application development classes for the mobile era

Published: 21 June 2014 Publication History


There are many flavors of upper division elective classes that cover subjects related to mobile technologies and application development. However, there is a general lack of publications discussing the philosophy, implementation, and results from these classes. When researching for a new upper division mobile application development elective class, based on our students' needs and state of the mobile technologies, we consulted the extensive online information, and drafted guidelines and desired learning outcomes. In the subsequent years, we implemented two versions of mobile application development classes based on the guidelines and learning outcomes. The first, focused on the development of practical mobile applications while the second studied design issues surrounding modern mobile applications and their development. Both classes are project based where students build mobile applications to demonstrate their understanding, and both classes were well received. This paper describes our efforts and the classes, summarizes the results from the classes, and discusses the merits of implementation vs. design based mobile application development classes.


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Aaron J. Gordon. Concepts for mobile programming. In ITiCSE '13, PP. 58--63, 2013.
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Stan Kurkovsky. Mobile computing and robotics in one course: why not? In ITiCSE '13, PP. 6469, 2013.
Jiangjiang Liu, Cheng-Hsien Lin, Phillip Potter, Ethan Philip Hasson, Zebulun David Barnett, and Michael Singleton. Going mobile with app inventor for android: a one-week computing workshop for k-12 teachers. In ACM SIGCSE '13, PP. 433--438, 2013.
Susan Loveland. Human computer interaction that reaches beyond desktop applications. In ACM SIGCSE '11, PP. 595--600, 2011.
Qusay H. Mahmoud. Best practices in teaching mobile application development. In ITiCSE '11, PP. 333--333, 2011.
Qusay H. Mahmoud, Thanh Ngo, Razieh Niazi, Pawel Popowicz, Robert Sydoryshyn, Matthew Wilks, and Dave Dietz. An academic kit for integrating mobile devices into the cs curriculum. In ITiCSE '09, PP. 40--44, 2009.
Qusay H. Mahmoud, Shaun Zanin, and Thanh Ngo. Integrating mobile storage into database systems courses. In SIGITE '12, PP. 165--170, 2012.
Victor Matos and Rebecca Grasser. Building applications for the android os mobile platform: a primer and course materials. J. Comput. Small Coll., 26:23--29, October 2010.
Chris McDonald. A location prediction project on mobile devices. In ITiCSE '13, PP. 320--320, 2013.
Victor Paul Pauca and Richard T. Guy. Mobile apps for the greater good: a socially relevant approach to software engineering. In ACM SIGCSE '12, PP. 535--540, 2012.
Derek Riley. Using mobile phone programming to teach java and advanced programming to computer scientists. In ACM SIGCSE '12, PP. 541--546, 2012.
Krishnendu Roy. App inventor for android: report from a summer camp. In ACM SIGCSE '12, PP. 283--288, 2012.
Ellen Spertus, Mark L. Chang, Paul Gestwicki, and David Wolber. Novel approaches to cs 0 with app inventor for android. In ACM SIGCSE '10, PP. 325--326, 2010.
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Kelvin Sung, Michael Panitz, Cinnamon Hillyard, Robin Angotti, David Goldstein, and John Nordlinger. Game-Themed programming assignment modules: A pathway for gradual integration of gaming context into existing introductory programming courses. IEEE Transactions on Education, 54(3):416--427, August 2011.
Nikolai Tillmann, Michal Moskal, Jonathan de Halleux, Manuel Fahndrich, Judith Bishop, Arjmand Samuel, and Tao Xie. The future of teaching programming is on mobile devices. In ITiCSE '12, PP. 156--161, 2012.
Amber Wagner, Jeff Gray, Jonathan Corley, and David Wolber. Using app inventor in a k-12 summer camp. In ACM SIGCSE '13, PP. 621--626, 2013.
David Wolber. App inventor and real-world motivation. In ACM SIGCSE '11, PP. 601--606, 2011.

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  • (2020)The components of an innovation ecosystem framework for Botswana's mobile applicationsTHE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES10.1002/isd2.1213786:6Online publication date: 7-May-2020
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cover image ACM Conferences
ITiCSE '14: Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Innovation & technology in computer science education
June 2014
378 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 21 June 2014


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  1. application development
  2. computer science education
  3. elective
  4. mobile computing
  5. upper division


  • Research-article



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ITiCSE '14 Paper Acceptance Rate 36 of 164 submissions, 22%;
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  • (2021)AutoGrad: Automated Grading Software for Mobile Game Assignments in SuaCode CoursesProceedings of the 10th Computer Science Education Research Conference10.1145/3507923.3507954(79-85)Online publication date: 22-Nov-2021
  • (2020)The components of an innovation ecosystem framework for Botswana's mobile applicationsTHE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES10.1002/isd2.1213786:6Online publication date: 7-May-2020
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