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IsoCam: Interactive Visual Exploration of Massive Cultural Heritage Models on Large Projection Setups

Published: 01 June 2014 Publication History


We introduce a novel user interface and system for exploring extremely detailed 3D models in a museum setting. Three-dimensional models and associated information are presented on a large projection surface controlled by a touch-enabled surface placed at a suitable distance in front of it. Our indirect user interface, dubbed IsoCam, combines an object-aware interactive camera controller with an interactive point-of-interest selector and is implemented within a scalable implementation based on multiresolution structures shared between the rendering and user interaction subsystems. The collision-free camera controller automatically supports the smooth transition from orbiting to proximal navigation, by exploiting a distance-field representation of the 3D object. The point-of-interest selector exploits a specialized view similarity computation to propose a few nearby easily reachable interesting 3D views from a large database, move the camera to the user-selected point of interest, and provide extra information through overlaid annotations of the target view. The capabilities of our approach have been demonstrated in a public event attended by thousands of people, which were offered the possibility to explore submillimetric reconstructions of 38 stone statues of the Mont’e Prama Nuragic complex, depicting larger-than-life human figures, and small models of prehistoric Nuraghe (cone-shaped stone towers). A follow-up of this work, using 2.5m-high projection screens, is now included in permanent exhibitions at two Archeological Museums. Results of a thorough user evaluation, involving quantitative and subjective measurements, are discussed.

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cover image Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage   Volume 7, Issue 2
Special Issue on Interacting with the Past
July 2014
160 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Publication History

Published: 01 June 2014
Accepted: 01 March 2014
Revised: 01 February 2014
Received: 01 July 2013
Published in JOCCH Volume 7, Issue 2


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  1. 3D navigation
  2. 3D viewers
  3. 3D visualization
  4. Interaction techniques
  5. camera controls


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