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View all- 李 冬(2019)Research on DDoS Real-Time Monitoring and Mitigating in SDN NetworkComputer Science and Application10.12677/CSA.2019.9408209:04(721-730)Online publication date: 2019
- Shrivastav VLee KWang HWeatherspoon H(2019)Globally Synchronized Time via Datacenter NetworksIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON)10.1109/TNET.2019.291878227:4(1401-1416)Online publication date: 1-Aug-2019
- Edwards TCiarleglio N(2018)Programmable Data Plane for Professional Media NetworkingSMPTE Motion Imaging Journal10.5594/JMI.2018.2868436127:10(23-31)Online publication date: Nov-2018
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