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View all- Clauss MRoller MBertelsen MRudolf von Rohr CMüller DSchiffmann CKummrow MEncke DFerreira SDuvall EMaré CAbraham A(2024)Zoos must embrace animal death for education and conservationProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences10.1073/pnas.2414565121122:1Online publication date: 30-Dec-2024
- Bichel NHart ABichel NHart A(2023)Anthropomorphism and “Viralability”Trophy Hunting10.1007/978-981-19-9976-5_7(323-340)Online publication date: 12-Apr-2023
- Melfi VSkyner LBirke LWard SShaw WHosey G(2021)Furred and feathered friends: How attached are zookeepers to the animals in their care?Zoo Biology10.1002/zoo.2165641:2(122-129)Online publication date: 18-Oct-2021
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