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Enhancing action recognition through simultaneous semantic mapping from body-worn motion sensors

Published: 13 September 2014 Publication History


Locations and actions are interrelated: some activities tend to occur at specific places, for example a person is more likely to twist his wrist when he is close to a door (to turn the knob). We present an unsupervised fusion method that takes advantage of this characteristic to enhance the recognition of location-related actions (e.g., open, close, switch, etc.). The proposed LocAFusion algorithm acts as a post-processing filter: At run-time, it constructs a semantic map of the environment by tagging action recognitions to Cartesian coordinates. It then uses the accumulated information about a location i) to discriminate between identical actions performed at different places and ii) to correct recognitions that are unlikely, given the other observations at the same location. LocAFusion does not require prior statistics about where activities occur, which allows for seamless deployment to new environments. The fusion approach is agnostic to the sensor modalities and methods used for action recognition and localization.
For evaluation, we implemented a fully wearable setup that tracks the user with a foot-mounted motion sensor and the ActionSLAM algorithm. Simultaneously, we recognize hand actions through template matching on the data of a wrist-worn inertial measurement unit. In 10 recordings with 554 performed object interactions, LocAFusion consistently outperformed location-independent action recognition (8--31% increase in F1 score), identified 96% of the objects in the semantic map and overall correctly labeled 82% of the actions in problems with up to 23 classes.

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  1. Enhancing action recognition through simultaneous semantic mapping from body-worn motion sensors



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    cover image ACM Conferences
    ISWC '14: Proceedings of the 2014 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers
    September 2014
    154 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 13 September 2014


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    Author Tags

    1. LCSS
    2. SLAM
    3. activity recognition
    4. tracking
    5. wearable


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    UbiComp '14
    UbiComp '14: The 2014 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing
    September 13 - 17, 2014
    Washington, Seattle

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