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Automatic Recognition of Personality Traits: A Multimodal Approach

Published: 12 November 2014 Publication History


A system being capable of recognize personality traits may be utilized in an enormous number of applications. Adding personality-dependency may be useful to build speaker-adaptive models, e.g., to improve Spoken Dialogue Systems (SDSs) or to monitor agents in call-centers. Therefore, the First Audio/Visual Mapping Personality Traits Challenge (MAPTRAITS 2014) focuses on estimating personality traits. In this context, this study presents the results for multimodal recognition of personality traits using support vector machines. As only small portions of the data is used for personality estimation at a time (which are later combined to a final estimate), different segmentation methods (and how to derive a final hypothesis) are analyzed regarding the task as both a regression and a classification problem.


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    cover image ACM Conferences
    MAPTRAITS '14: Proceedings of the 2014 Workshop on Mapping Personality Traits Challenge and Workshop
    November 2014
    38 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 12 November 2014


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    1. audio-visual features
    2. feature-based fusion
    3. personality traits
    4. support vector machine


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