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Understanding the Drivers of Sponsors' Intentions in Online Crowdfunding: A Model Development

Published: 08 December 2014 Publication History


Crowdfunding, raising funds through small contribution from large amount of individuals, is a conventional fundraising resource. With the development of internet, an online crowdfunding platform became a modern fundraising channel. Online crowdfunding refers to websites for individuals who raise funds through relatively small contributions from relatively large number of individuals via the internet either in the form of donation or in exchange for some forms of rewards or rights. Compared with conventional fundraising resource, for project creators, online crowdfunding can make sponsors understand the idea of projects and then promote the projects, as well as get the comments and funding from the public; for sponsors, it can decrease the sponsoring risks. However, many different types of online crowdfunding grow rapidly. In terms of project creators, it is a problem to choose an online crowdfunding platform which has a number of potential sponsors. Therefore, it is necessary to understand what factors influence on sponsors' intentions, but there are few studies in this domain. According to past studies, we adopted social cognitive theory and proposed a model to deal with the antecedents of sponsors' intentions of online corwdfunding context.


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  1. Understanding the Drivers of Sponsors' Intentions in Online Crowdfunding: A Model Development



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    MoMM '14: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia
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    Published: 08 December 2014


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    1. Crowdfunding
    2. perceived risk
    3. reward
    4. self-enhancement
    5. social cognitive theory
    6. sponsorship intention
    7. sponsorship self-efficacy
    8. website service quality


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