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Low-overhead software transactional memory with progress guarantees and strong semantics

Published: 24 January 2015 Publication History


Software transactional memory offers an appealing alternative to locks by improving programmability, reliability, and scalability. However, existing STMs are impractical because they add high instrumentation costs and often provide weak progress guarantees and/or semantics. This paper introduces a novel STM called LarkTM that provides three significant features. (1) Its instrumentation adds low overhead except when accesses actually conflict, enabling low single-thread overhead and scaling well on low-contention workloads. (2) It uses eager concurrency control mechanisms, yet naturally supports flexible conflict resolution, enabling strong progress guarantees. (3) It naturally provides strong atomicity semantics at low cost. LarkTM's design works well for low-contention workloads, but adds significant overhead under higher contention, so we design an adaptive version of LarkTM that uses alternative concurrency control for high-contention objects. An implementation and evaluation in a Java virtual machine show that the basic and adaptive versions of LarkTM not only provide low single-thread overhead, but their multithreaded performance compares favorably with existing high-performance STMs.


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  1. Low-overhead software transactional memory with progress guarantees and strong semantics



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Conferences
    PPoPP 2015: Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming
    January 2015
    290 pages
    • cover image ACM SIGPLAN Notices
      ACM SIGPLAN Notices  Volume 50, Issue 8
      PPoPP '15
      August 2015
      290 pages
      • Editor:
      • Andy Gill
      Issue’s Table of Contents
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    Published: 24 January 2015


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    1. Software transactional memory
    2. biased reader-writer locks
    3. concurrency control
    4. managed languages
    5. strong atomicity


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