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View all- de Sousa Ade Souza CReis R(2021)A 20‐year mapping of Bayesian belief networks in software project managementIET Software10.1049/sfw2.1204316:1(14-28)Online publication date: 9-Nov-2021
- Saraiva RMedeiros APerkusich MValadares DGorgonio KPerkusich AAlmeida H(2020)A Bayesian Networks-Based Method to Analyze the Validity of the Data of Software Measurement ProgramsIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2020.30352178(198801-198821)Online publication date: 2020
- Mori AVale GCirilo EFigueiredo E(2019)A Domain-Sensitive Threshold Derivation MethodProceedings of the XV Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems10.1145/3330204.3330252(1-8)Online publication date: 20-May-2019
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