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On the Design and Scalability of Distributed Shared-Data Databases

Published: 27 May 2015 Publication History


Database scale-out is commonly implemented by partitioning data across several database instances. This approach, however, has several restrictions. In particular, partitioned databases are inflexible in large-scale deployments and assume a partition-friendly workload in order to scale. In this paper, we analyze an alternative architecture design for distributed relational databases that overcomes the limitations of partitioned databases. The architecture is based on two fundamental principles: We decouple query processing and transaction management from data storage, and we share data across query processing nodes. The combination of these design choices provides scalability, elasticity, and operational flexibility without making any assumptions on the workload. As a drawback, sharing data among multiple database nodes causes synchronization overhead. To address this limitation, we introduce techniques for scalable transaction processing in shared-data environments. Specifically, we describe mechanisms for efficient data access, concurrency control, and data buffering. In combination with new hardware trends, the techniques enable performance characteristics that top state-of-the-art partitioned databases.


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SIGMOD '15: Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data
May 2015
2110 pages
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Published: 27 May 2015


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  1. decoupled storage
  2. optimistic concurrency control
  3. shared-data
  4. transaction processing


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SIGMOD/PODS'15: International Conference on Management of Data
May 31 - June 4, 2015
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