Cited By
View all- Dymitruk MMarkovich RLiepiźA RGhosh MDoesburg RGovernatori GVerheij B(2018)Research in progressArtificial Intelligence and Law10.1007/s10506-018-9220-626:1(49-97)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2018
This paper proposes an argumentation-based procedure for legal interpretation, by reinterpreting the traditional canons of textual interpretation in terms of argumentation schemes, which are then classified, formalized, and represented through argument ...
Profits, losses and the attendant risks of tort litigation run to the extreme in times of great speculation in an unregulated economic environment-conditions which characterize the present enormous growth in computer networking. Public law enforcement ...
The Toulmin model has been proved useful in law and argumentation theory. This model describes the basic process in justifying a claim, which comprises six elements, i.e., claim (C), data (D), warrant (W), backing (B), qualifier (Q), and rebuttal (...
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