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Energy-Efficient Networking Solutions in Cloud-Based Environments: A Systematic Literature Review

Published: 26 May 2015 Publication History


The energy consumed by data centers hosting cloud services is increasing enormously. This brings the need to reduce energy consumption of different components in data centers. In this work, we focus on energy efficiency of the networking component. However, how different networking solutions impact energy consumption is still an open question. We investigate the state of the art in energy-efficient networking solutions in cloud-based environments. We follow a systematic literature review method to select primary studies. We create a metamodel based on the codes extracted from our primary studies using the Coding analytical method. Our findings show three abstraction levels of the proposed networking solutions to achieve energy efficiency in cloud-based environments: Strategy, Solution, and Technology. We study the historical trends in the investigated solutions and conclude that the emerging and most widely adopted one is the Decision framework.


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      Published In

      cover image ACM Computing Surveys
      ACM Computing Surveys  Volume 47, Issue 4
      July 2015
      573 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 26 May 2015
      Accepted: 01 February 2015
      Revised: 01 December 2014
      Received: 01 July 2014
      Published in CSUR Volume 47, Issue 4


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      1. Energy efficiency
      2. cloud
      3. networking
      4. systematic literature review


      • Survey
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      Funding Sources

      • European Fund for Regional Development under project MRA Cluster Green Software
      • NWO through project GreenClouds


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