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10.1145/2806777.2806780acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesmodConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Scheduling jobs across geo-distributed datacenters

Published: 27 August 2015 Publication History


With growing data volumes generated and stored across geo-distributed datacenters, it is becoming increasingly inefficient to aggregate all data required for computation at a single datacenter. Instead, a recent trend is to distribute computation to take advantage of data locality, thus reducing the resource (e.g., bandwidth) costs while improving performance. In this trend, new challenges are emerging in job scheduling, which requires coordination among the datacenters as each job runs across geo-distributed sites. In this paper, we propose novel job scheduling algorithms that coordinate job scheduling across datacenters with low overhead, while achieving near-optimal performance. Our extensive simulation study with realistic job traces shows that the proposed scheduling algorithms result in up to 50% improvement in average job completion time over the Shortest Remaining Processing Time (SRPT) based approaches.


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SoCC '15: Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing
August 2015
446 pages
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Published: 27 August 2015


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