Cited By
View all- Abbasi RGhassemi FKhosravi R(2019)Verification of asynchronous systems with an unspecified componentActa Informatica10.1007/s00236-018-0317-x56:2(161-203)Online publication date: 1-Mar-2019
Non-Polynomial time complexity of model checking algorithms for TCTL properties in dense time is one of the obstacles against using model checking for timed systems. Alternatively, polynomial time algorithms are suggested for model checking discrete ...
Java is largely used to develop distributed and concurrent systems, but testing multithreaded systems cannot guarantee the quality of the software; in contrast, verification techniques give us a higher confidence about the system and, among these, model ...
Actor-based modeling has been successfully applied to the representation of concurrent and distributed systems. Besides having an appropriate and efficient way for modeling these systems, one needs a formal verification approach for ensuring their ...
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