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INTWEEMS: a framework for incremental clustering of tweet streams

Published: 11 December 2015 Publication History


Twitter is a popular micro-blogging service for sharing short messages called tweets. Tweets provide public opinion on various topics. Currently twitter presents search results in form of a flat list, sorted either by popularity or by recency. These search results limit the possibility of identifying diverse latent topics covered by the tweets. One way to better understand the tweets is to cluster them where each cluster depicts a latent topic. Suitable clustering algorithms are required to cluster streaming data and map new data into existing clusters. To address this, we propose in this paper a framework called INTWEEMS (INcremental clustering of TWEEt streaMS) which clusters tweets in real-time, adjusts new tweets into existing clusters (incrementally), and provides visualization of clusters that helps in identifying latent topics and sub-topics within the tweets. This paper describes the INTWEEMS framework and its implementation.


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iiWAS '15: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services
December 2015
704 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 11 December 2015


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  1. Twitter
  2. incremental clustering
  3. realtime clustering
  4. social media


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  • (2021)CommuniMentsResearch Anthology on Strategies for Using Social Media as a Service and Tool in Business10.4018/978-1-7998-9020-1.ch019(382-404)Online publication date: 2021
  • (2019)The role of collaborative tagging and ontologies in emerging semantic of web resourcesComputing10.1007/s00607-019-00704-9101:10(1489-1511)Online publication date: 1-Oct-2019
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