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Bi-Cultural Content Publication on a Digital Noticeboard: a Design and Cultural Differences Case Study

Published: 07 December 2015 Publication History


We present our observations of Aboriginal Australian practices around a custom digital noticeboard and compare our insights to related research on cultural differences, literacy and ICT4D. The digital noticeboard was created, upon a request by the community Elders, to foster communication across the community. The initial design, informed by discussions and consultations, aimed at supporting the local Aboriginal language and English, both in written and spoken form, at supporting the oral tradition, and at accommodating for different perceptions and representations of time. This paper presents observations about the first encounters with the digital noticeboard by those members of the community that took part in its conceptualization. Such observations reinforce existing knowledge on such cultural phenomena as collectivism and time perception, issues related to literacy, moderation and censorship. We contribute to framing such knowledge within a concrete case study and draw implication for design of tools for bi-cultural content publication.


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    OzCHI '15: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Australian Special Interest Group for Computer Human Interaction
    December 2015
    691 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 07 December 2015


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    Author Tags

    1. Collectivism
    2. Cultural Differences
    3. Digital Noticeboard
    4. HCI4D
    5. ICT4D
    6. Literacy
    7. Moderation
    8. Time


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