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HCFI: Hardware-enforced Control-Flow Integrity

Published: 09 March 2016 Publication History


Control-flow hijacking is the principal method for code-reuse techniques like Return-oriented Programming (ROP) and Jump-oriented Programming (JOP). For defending against such attacks, the community has proposed Control-flow Integrity (CFI), a technique capable of preventing exploitation by verifying that every (indirect) control-flow transfer points to a legitimate address. Enabling CFI in real systems is not straightforward, since in many cases the actual Control-flow Graph (CFG) of a program can be only approximated. Even in the case that there is perfect knowledge of the CFG, ensuring that all return instructions will return to their actual call sites, without employing a shadow stack, is questionable. On the other hand, the community has expressed concerns related to significant overheads stemming from enabling a shadow stack.
In this paper, we acknowledge the importance of a shadow stack for supporting and strengthening any CFI policy. In addition, we project that implementing a full-featured CFI-enabled Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) in actual hardware with an in-chip secure memory can be efficiently carried out and the prototype experiences negligible overheads. For supporting our case, we implement by modifying a SPARC SoC and evaluate the prototype on an FPGA board by running all SPECInt benchmarks instrumented with a fine-grained CFI policy. The evaluation shows that HCFI can effectively protect applications from code-reuse attacks, while adding less than 1% runtime overhead.


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CODASPY '16: Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy
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Association for Computing Machinery

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Published: 09 March 2016


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  1. buffer overflow
  2. control flow integrity
  3. fgpa
  4. hardware defence
  5. return oriented programming
  6. stack overflow
  7. stack smashing


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