Cited By
View all- Fribourg LGoubault EMohamed SMrozek MPutot S(2020)A topological method for finding invariant sets of continuous systemsInformation and Computation10.1016/j.ic.2020.104581(104581)Online publication date: Mar-2020
We study in this paper boundary-value problems for systems of Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman first-order partial differential equations and variational inequalities, the solutions of which are constrained to obey viability constraints. They are motivated by ...
In this paper, viability results for nonlinear fractional differential equations with the Riemann-Liouville derivative are proved. We give a necessary condition for fractional viability of a locally closed set with respect to a nonlinear function.
We study invariant sets for switched systems. We focus on a class of third-order switched systems. In this class of switched systems we solve the problem of finding an invariant set for a switching law. For each switched system we provide the invariant ...
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