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Temporal Information Retrieval

Published: 07 July 2016 Publication History


The study of temporal dynamics and its impact can be framed within the so-called temporal IR approaches, which explain how user behavior, document content and scale vary with time, and how we can use them in our favor in order to improve retrieval effectiveness.
This half-day tutorial will outline research issues with respect to temporal dynamics, and provide a comprehensive overview of temporal IR approaches, essentially regarding processing dynamic content, temporal information extraction, temporal query analysis, and time-aware retrieval and ranking. The tutorial is structured into two sessions. During the first session, we will explain the general and wide aspects associated to temporal dynamics by focusing on the web domain, from content and structural changes to variations of user behavior and interactions. We will begin with temporal indexing and query processing. Next step, we will explain current approaches to time-aware retrieval and ranking, which can be classified into different types based on two main notions of relevance with respect to time, namely, recency-based ranking, and time-dependent ranking.
In the latter session, we will describe research issues centered on determining the temporal intent of queries, and time-aware query enhancement, e.g., temporal relevance feedback, and time-aware query reformulation. In addition, we present applications in related research areas, e.g., exploration, summarization, and clustering of search results, as well as future event retrieval and prediction. To this end, we conclude our tutorial and outline future directions.
This tutorial targets graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the field of information retrieval. The goal is to provide an overview as well as an important context that enables further research on and practical applications within this area.


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    SIGIR '16: Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval
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    Published: 07 July 2016


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    1. adaptive crawling and caching
    2. temporal indexing
    3. temporal information extraction
    4. temporal queries
    5. time-aware ranking


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