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Prefetching Techniques for Near-memory Throughput Processors

Published: 01 June 2016 Publication History


Near-memory processing or processing-in-memory (PIM) is regaining a lot of interest recently as a viable solution to overcome the challenges imposed by memory wall. This trend has been mainly fueled by the emergence of 3D-stacked memories. GPUs are touted as great candidates for in-memory processors due to their superior bandwidth utilization capabilities. Although putting a GPU core beneath memory exposes it to unprecedented memory bandwidth, in this paper, we demonstrate that significant opportunities still exist to improve the performance of the simpler, in-memory GPU processors (GPU-PIM) by improving their memory performance. Thus, we propose three light-weight, practical memory-side prefetchers to improve the performance of GPU-PIM systems. The proposed prefetchers exploit the patterns in individual memory accesses and synergy in the wavefront-localized memory streams, combined with a better understanding of the memory-system state, to prefetch from DRAM row buffers into on-chip prefetch buffers, thereby achieving over 75% prefetcher accuracy and 40% improvement in row buffer locality. In order to maximize utilization of prefetched data and minimize thrashing, the prefetchers also use a novel prefetch buffer management policy based on a unique dead-row prediction mechanism together with an eviction-based prefetch-trigger policy to control their aggressiveness. The proposed prefetchers improve performance by over 60% (max) and 9% on average as compared to the baseline, while achieving over 33% of the performance benefits of perfect-L2 using less than 5.6KB of additional hardware. The proposed prefetchers also outperform the state-of-the-art memory-side prefetcher, OWL by more than 20%.


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