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View all- Dutta RSchoengens MOnnela JMira A(2017)ABCpyProceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference10.1145/3093172.3093233(1-9)Online publication date: 26-Jun-2017
Likelihood-free methods, such as approximate Bayesian computation, are powerful tools for practical inference problems with intractable likelihood functions. Markov chain Monte Carlo and sequential Monte Carlo variants of approximate ...
When the likelihood functions are either unavailable analytically or are computationally cumbersome to evaluate, it is impossible to implement conventional Bayesian model choice methods. Instead, approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) or the likelihood-...
A new approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) algorithm for Bayesian updating of model parameters is proposed in this paper, which combines the ABC principles with the technique of subset simulation for efficient rare-event simulation, first developed in S. ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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