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Real-Time Program-Specific Phase Change Detection for Java Programs

Published: 29 August 2016 Publication History


It is well-known that programs tend to have multiple phases in their execution. Because phases have impact on micro-architectural features such as caches and branch predictors, they are relevant to program performance Xian et al. [2007], Roh et al. [2009], Gu and Verbrugge [2008] and energy consumption. They are also relevant to detecting whether a program is executing as expected or is encountering unusual or exceptional conditions, a software engineering and program monitoring concern Peleg and Mendelson [2007], Singer and Kirkham [2008], Pirzadeh et al. [2011], Benomar et al. [2014]. We offer here a method for real-time phase change detection in Java programs. After applying a training protocol to a program of interest, our method can detect phase changes at run time for that program with good precision and recall (compared with a "ground truth" definition of phases) and with small performance impact (average less than 2%). We also offer improved methodology for evaluating phase change detection mechanisms. In sum, our approach offers the first known implementation of real-time phase detection for Java programs.


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Cited By

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  • (2018)Run-time program-specific phase prediction for python programsProceedings of the 15th International Conference on Managed Languages & Runtimes10.1145/3237009.3237011(1-10)Online publication date: 12-Sep-2018



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PPPJ '16: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming on the Java Platform: Virtual Machines, Languages, and Tools
August 2016
186 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 29 August 2016


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  1. Machine Learning
  2. Program Phases
  3. Real-time Systems
  4. Software Engineering


  • Research-article
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PPPJ '16
PPPJ '16: Virtual Machines, Languages, and Tools
August 29 - September 2, 2016
Lugano, Switzerland

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  • (2018)Run-time program-specific phase prediction for python programsProceedings of the 15th International Conference on Managed Languages & Runtimes10.1145/3237009.3237011(1-10)Online publication date: 12-Sep-2018

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