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Mobileinsight: extracting and analyzing cellular network information on smartphones

Published: 03 October 2016 Publication History


We design and implement MobileInsight, a software tool that collects, analyzes and exploits runtime network information from operational cellular networks. MobileInsight runs on commercial off-the-shelf phones without extra hardware or additional support from operators. It exposes protocol messages on both control plane and (below IP) data plane from the 3G/4G chipset. It provides in-device protocol analysis and operation logic inference. It further offers a simple API, through which developers and researchers obtain access to low-level network information for their mobile applications. We have built three showcases to illustrate how MobileInsight is applied to cellular network research.


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MobiCom '16: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
October 2016
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Published: 03 October 2016


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