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Finding News Citations for Wikipedia

Published: 24 October 2016 Publication History


An important editing policy in Wikipedia is to provide citations for added statements in Wikipedia pages, where statements can be arbitrary pieces of text, ranging from a sentence to a paragraph. In many cases citations are either outdated or missing altogether.
In this work we address the problem of finding and updating news citations for statements in entity pages. We propose a two-stage supervised approach for this problem. In the first step, we construct a classifier to find out whether statements need a news citation or other kinds of citations (web, book, journal, etc.). In the second step, we develop a news citation algorithm for Wikipedia statements, which recommends appropriate citations from a given news collection. Apart from IR techniques that use the statement to query the news collection, we also formalize three properties of an appropriate citation, namely: (i) the citation should entail the Wikipedia statement, (ii) the statement should be central to the citation, and (iii) the citation should be from an authoritative source.
We perform an extensive evaluation of both steps, using 20 million articles from a real-world news collection. Our results are quite promising, and show that we can perform this task with high precision and at scale.


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    CIKM '16: Proceedings of the 25th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
    October 2016
    2566 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 24 October 2016


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    1. missing citations
    2. news citations
    3. wikipedia
    4. wikipedia enrichment


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    CIKM'16: ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management
    October 24 - 28, 2016
    Indiana, Indianapolis, USA

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