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10.1145/2995306.2995311acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesccsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Beyond the Attack Surface: Assessing Security Risk with Random Walks on Call Graphs

Published: 28 October 2016 Publication History


When reasoning about software security, researchers and practitioners use the phrase ``attack surface'' as a metaphor for risk. Enumerate and minimize the ways attackers can break in then risk is reduced and the system is better protected, the metaphor says. But software systems are much more complicated than their surfaces. We propose function- and file-level attack surface metrics---proximity and risky walk---that enable fine-grained risk assessment. Our risky walk metric is highly configurable: we use PageRank on a probability-weighted call graph to simulate attacker behavior of finding or exploiting a vulnerability. We provide evidence-based guidance for deploying these metrics, including an extensive parameter tuning study. We conducted an empirical study on two large open source projects, FFmpeg and Wireshark, to investigate the potential correlation between our metrics and historical post-release vulnerabilities. We found our metrics to be statistically significantly associated with vulnerable functions/files with a small-to-large Cohen's d effect size. Our prediction model achieved an increase of 36% (in FFmpeg) and 27% (in Wireshark) in the average value of F{2}-measure over a base model built with SLOC and coupling metrics. Our prediction model outperformed comparable models from prior literature with notable improvements: 58% reduction in false negative rate, 81% reduction in false positive rate, and 548% increase in F{2}-measure. These metrics advance vulnerability prevention by [(a)] being flexible in terms of granularity, performing better than vulnerability prediction literature, and being tunable so that practitioners can tailor the metrics to their products and better assess security risk.


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SPRO '16: Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Software PROtection
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Published: 28 October 2016


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  1. attack surface
  2. metric
  3. page rank
  4. risk
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