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"Do Animals Have Accents?": Talking with Agents in Multi-Party Conversation

Published: 25 February 2017 Publication History


In this paper we unpack the use of conversational agents, or so-called intelligent personal assistants (IPAs), in multi-party conversation amongst a group of friends while they are socialising in a café. IPAs such as Siri or Google Now can be found on a large proportion of personal smartphones and tablets, and are promoted as 'natural language' interfaces. The question we pursue here is how they are actually drawn upon in conversational practice? In our work we examine the use of these IPAs in a mundane and common-place setting and employ an ethnomethodological perspective to draw out the character of the IPA-use in conversation. Additionally, we highlight a number of nuanced practicalities of their use in multi-party settings. By providing a depiction of the nature and methodical practice of their use, we are able to contribute our findings to the design of IPAs.


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  1. "Do Animals Have Accents?": Talking with Agents in Multi-Party Conversation



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    CSCW '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
    February 2017
    2556 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 25 February 2017


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    1. collocated interaction
    2. conversation analysis
    3. conversational agents
    4. ethnomethodology
    5. intelligent personal assistants
    6. mobile devices
    7. multi-party conversation
    8. smartphones


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